Wayne Norman, Video Engineer

Video Engineer
Video Controller (Shader)
Technical Director
Video Painting Engineer

Digital Image Technician
Engineer in Charge
Technical Manager
Technical Supervisor

Talk Shows
Reality Shows
Music Videos
New Media

Triax, Fiber, and Copper Camera
Set Up and Operation Specialist

Experienced with all brands of Digital Cinema Cameras,
including Alexa, Red, Sony, and Phantom

Field, Studio, Flight Packs, Mobile Units

Home PageWayne Norman, CreditsWayne Norman Contact InfoWayne Norman, Technical ManagerWayne Norman Technical DirecctorVideo Controller Versus Color CorrectionWayne Norman, Video GraderVideo FormatsVideo for DPsWorld TV StandardsTraining for Directors, Producers and DPsSystem Design and OperationSoftwareSearchRecording MediumRecording Duration InformationEngineering RackWayne Norman LinksJob ExplanationIntercom System InfoFormsFocaal Length CalculationsEquipment Manuals
File Uploads

Training for Directors, Producers, 
and Directors of Photography

Periodically I offer special classes for Directors, Producers, and Directors of Photography.  The class is held at a rental house where they can receive hands on training and get valuable information, giving them better insight into what the technical demands are of production.  It is offered free to qualified applicants and is about 6 to 8 hours long.

For Directors and Producers the class is not overly technical, but rather gives insight into the issues you need to consider for budgeting and application.  For DPs the instruction goes into greater detail on achieving looks and working with different video equipment, including Digital Cinema Cameras, Conventional Multi-Camera Systems, ENG/EFP Cameras, and also includes integration of Pro-Sumer Cameras for Reality Shows.

I offer several variations of the course, one that is basic, one that is moderately sophisticated, and one that is for DPs in which I go into great detail about camera Matrix Tables, LUTs (Look Up Tables) and the various recording technologies.  It also reviews 4K versus HD-SDI applications.

This course is specifically tailored for experienced Producers, Directors, and DPs with excellent creative skills, but are seeking to expand their technical knowledge to budget or creatively express themselves with the proper equipment. 


For the Next Class Date please email me or use the form below.


For more information please email:  WayneWeb@VideoEngineer.net
or use the form below



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Copyright 2015 Wayne Norman